Katie Elizabeth Dain, MA
Chief Executive Officer, NCD Alliance
Katie Dain is Chief Executive Officer of the NCD Alliance, a global network of civil society organizations dedicated to transforming the fight against non-communicable diseases (NCDs). Katie has worked with the NCD Alliance since its founding in 2009.
Katie is widely recognized as a leading advocate and expert on NCDs. Katie co-chairs the WHO Civil Society Working Group on NCDs, and has served as a commissioner on the WHO Independent High-Level Commission on NCDs, The Lancet Commission on NCDIs of the Poorest Billion, and The Lancet Commission on Global Oral Health. Katie is also a member of the Steering Committee for the Coalition for Access to NCD Medicines and Products.
Her experience covers a range of sustainable development issues, including global health, gender equality and women’s empowerment, violence against women, and women’s health. Before joining the NCD Alliance, she held a series of policy and advocacy posts in international NGOs and government, including the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) in Brussels, leading their global policy and advocacy program; the UK Government as a gender policy adviser; Womankind Worldwide, a women’s rights organization; and the Terrence Higgins Trust (THT), a HIV and sexual health charity.
She has a BA in History from Sheffield University, and a Master’s degree in Violence, Conflict and International Development from the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), London.
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LinkedIn: NCD Alliance